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Want to Write for UKBM?

As we see it, UKBassMusic.com is a platform to spread good news about and around the Electronic music scene whether that be about the music itself or other areas associated with our sub-culture be that relevant technology, information sources, education or art, the list goes on.

Lara and I run this site on our own, we write about subjects we find interesting and therefore believe you, our readers will find them interesting too but there is only so much we can report on from our own perspectives and localities so that’s why we’re excited to offer writing positions to eager Bass Music fans who share the values we hold for UKBM.

You don’t need to be a qualified journalist nor do you need to know everything about the industry or even be a computer whizz (we can show you the ropes) we do however require that you have a true passion for at least one area of the Bass Music spectrum and a strong desire to share this with others.

If you are interested in discussing this further please email us and describe your vision. Give us an example of the type of thing you would post and tell us a little about yourself. Let’s get to know each other and talk about what we can achieve together.

Nikki@UKBassMusic.com / Lara@UKBassMusic.com

Please note: This is not a paid role. We do this for the love and good-feeling we get from providing a platform for talented individuals and great content for our readers (alongside the amazing opportunities we do get to experience of course) and, as a part of the team, we expect you to share the same values as we do.

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