We grabbed a chat with the Bass Music duo who have just released ‘Shook’ on DJ Zinc’s Bingo Bass label.
Bristol based Bass Music duo, DISKORD, have had a tremendously exciting few years what with signing to Circus Records, collaborating with Krewella and now going on to release on DJ Zinc’s Bingo Bass (listen link at the bottom of this page), so we’re incredibly grateful that they could take the time to give us a snippet of an insight into their busy lives.
Tell us a little about yourself, how did you get into music?
Both of us have been in into music since we can remember, from being forced to attend to piano lessons to playing in bands and DJing. Its in our blood, we live and breath music!
Growing up, what music were you into?
I think the DISKORD project reflects our taste in music. We both have very diverse tastes. One day we’re listening to some gully Atlanta trap the next James might be on Korean pop binge. If it’s good we like it…end of!
What do you prefer, sitting into the studio creating or doing shows and touring?
That’s a tough one, both have their ups and downs. The buzz you can get from creating magic (or at least what we consider it to be) in the studio is untouchable but the days when nothing seems to work or sound good can make you want to launch the laptop at the nearest wall. Playing shows big or small is always great fun and seeing fans reacting to music we’ve created is equally as awesome as the moment we wrote it. And really, playing the music to a crowd is why we’re making it!
If you could collaborate with one artist (alive or dead) who would you choose and why?
We always give the same answer to this…. KANYE!
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
So many… Getting our record deal with Circus, doing a bus tour around the States. Getting the call to go and write music with Krewella in LA was pretty awesome. Fun fact… the first demo we sent Circus at the beginning of DISKORD had a Krewella acapella over it. We’ve always loved what they do so getting the call to go to LA to work with them was a dream come true.
If time travel existed and you travelled back to your younger self, what advice would you give to mini-you?
Go straight to Ableton, don’t mess around with any of the other DAWS like we did.
What does the future hold for DISKORD? What can we look forward to?
Well at the moment when we’re not DJing all our energy is going into the first DISKORD album. We’re sitting on some of our best material yet so we’re super stoked to get the album out later in the year.
Nikki has worked in various positions in the Music industry for over ten years including Artist Management, Booking Agency and Record Label Management. She runs Synchronicity, Spentshell, UKBM and Manages Flowdan.
“Bass does something to me. I absolutely immersed myself in Drum & Bass during my teens and early twenties, and when Dubstep came along I was thrown into that love once again, not just the music, but the whole community surrounding it.
Working in the industry has been a dream for me, and being involved in such a vibrant scene means that I constantly come across incredibly talented individuals who I just want to shout about and that’s what I use the UKBM platform for, to promote talent whether known or new.”