UK music collective Basilica have launched their brand new label Basilica Music with Basilica Blueprints Vol.1, a deep, dark and heavy Various Artists compilation.
Originally from Bristol and now based in London, the collective started as an event and online mix series focusing on the darker side of bass driven music from the likes of Berlin & Berghain’s Opium Hum, Manchester-bred leftfield Korzi, Norwich’s Grime & Dubstep favourite 9TRANE and many more.
Basilica Blueprints Vol.1, their debut release, certainly follows this focus. Compiled by Basilica’s label boss Eyeza, it features 9 tracks from both the finest newcomers and revered veterans, all exploring the dark and cavernous recesses of the “130” sound, influenced by the genres of Dubstep, Grime & UKG without being bound to any.
It’s ice cold, deadly and certainly not for the faint hearted.
Basilica Blueprints Vol.1 is out now. Buy here.
1. Monir – The Conflict
2. Diessa – No, Thankyou
3. Monir & 9TRANE – Over
4. Eyeza – ILLIAC
5. Kahter – Solitude
6. Mage – Dust
7. Jubley – Watch Yourself
8. Geist – Drifting Chimes
9. Unkey – Murrum